Multi-format release of “A Field in England”

Ben Wheatley’s new film A Field in England sounds exciting in itself, but the latest news is the way it is going to be released in the UK. On June 5th, the film will be released simultaneously in movie theaters, free TV, DVD and Video-On-Demand. This interesting film is set in England during the 17th century civil war. It involves a small group of deserters who flee the battle scene and become mixed up in a treasure hunt.

This type of simultaneous release is the first of its kind in the UK and is therefore attracting a lot of attention from around the world. This could be a distribution game changer with the way audiences are changing their viewing patterns. With increasing theater costs and home theaters gaining in popularity, an increasing number of people prefer to stay at home and rent DVD’s or utilize their cable provider’s on-demand screening, or even downloading videos from Youtube! There is also a good chance that movie piracy will go down since there are so many ways to legitimately obtain the movie. This could be a good model for future releases. Of course, the big budget special–effects heavy movies would still stand to gain from a traditional release.

The group of deserters is captured by an alchemist in a field and forced to help him hunt for treasure he believes is hidden in the field. Dissent, arguments and fighting raise their head as the hunt progresses and they become victim to the energies of the field. The screenplay was co-written by Ben Wheatley and Amy Jump.…